Pivoting Like a Pro: How Madeline Brewer Switches Roles and What Businesses Can Learn

One of the most remarkable aspects of a successful actor’s career is their ability to pivot seamlessly between diverse roles. Madeline Brewer, with her impressive career in the entertainment industry, is a notable example of this versatility. The lessons drawn from her professional journey can offer invaluable insights for businesses looking to navigate change and adaptability in their respective sectors.

Madeline Brewer’s Pivotal Career

Madeline Brewer’s trajectory in the acting world is a testament to her adaptability and willingness to embrace change. From playing a feisty inmate in ‘Orange Is the New Black’ to a rebellious handmaid in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, Brewer’s chameleonic ability to switch roles and genres is impressive. But how does she do it, and what can businesses learn from her strategies?

Strategies for Successful Pivoting

1. Recognizing the Need for Change

Just as Brewer selects varied roles to avoid typecasting, businesses must recognize when change is needed. It could be to remain competitive, to capitalize on emerging trends, or to avoid stagnation. Recognizing the need for change is the first step toward successful pivoting.

2. Embracing the New and Unknown

Jumping from one distinct character to another requires Brewer to embrace new perspectives, just as businesses must be open to new strategies and ideas. Fear of the unknown can be a significant barrier to change, but embracing novelty can lead to innovation and growth.

3. Preparation and Research

Every time Brewer takes on a new role, she dives deep into the character’s backstory, personality, and circumstances. Similarly, businesses should thoroughly research and plan before implementing changes. Understanding the current market, predicting potential outcomes, and developing a robust plan can increase the likelihood of successful pivoting.

4. Leveraging Existing Strengths

While each of Brewer’s roles is unique, she leverages her inherent acting skills in each performance. In the same vein, businesses should identify and leverage their existing strengths when pivoting, whether it’s a loyal customer base, a strong brand, or a skilled team.


Madeline Brewer’s successful career shifts hold powerful lessons for businesses. In an ever-changing market environment, the ability to pivot successfully can be a game-changer. By recognizing the need for change, embracing the unknown, preparing adequately, and leveraging existing strengths, businesses can navigate their pivoting journeys just as seamlessly as Brewer switches roles.